Monday, December 24, 2012

More going home

Here is Green boy and his new family doing Christmas Campout.  His new name is "Rouge"  Tifari's Perseus! Sacker of Cities.

This is Miss Pink in my arms. She is staying here.  Her new name is "Ayla" Tifari's Just a little Sinful. 

And here is Mr Red.  He will live with Betty Ann and Daniel in Ann Arbor.  They own Rosie, another Tifari RR.  Mr Red is now called "Tucker"  Tifari's Tucker Me Out 

Saturday, December 8, 2012


Red boy free stacking 8 weeks

Brown boy free stacking 8 weeks

Brown boy and Green Boy

"Moooooom"  we are hungry!

Pink Girl 8 weeks

Tunnel Fun

Pups stacked at 7 weeks old

Blue boy stacked at 7 weeks old

Orange Girl stacked at 7 weeks old

Brown Boy stacked at 7 weeks old

Green boy stacked at 7 weeks old

Pink Girl stacked at 7 weeks old

Purple Girl stacked at 7 weeks old

Red boy stacked 7 weeks old

Teal boy stacked 7 weeks old

Yellow stacked 7 weeks old

Going home pictures

Teal Show boy is now "Almonzo"  Monzo's new family are Jeff and Melanie (PA)
Tifari's The Wilder Cide of Walnut Grove  (Character from Little House on the Prarie)

Yellow girl is now "Penelope" Penny will live with Jen and Mike in Ann Arbor, MI
Tifari's Penny from Heaven

Brown show boy is named "Finnegan"  Finn will live with Patrick, Lisa and their 2 daughters in PA
Tifari's Fortune Favors the Bold

Purple Girl is now named "Juno"  and she will live with Libby in Novi, MI.  
Tifari's Tater Tot

Orange Show girl now lives on the North Carolina coast with Blaze. Her name is "Fallon"  
Tifari's Lions for Lunch

Blue boy is now called "Augustus" or Gus for short.  He lives with Dave and Debi and Family in Wyandotte, MI.  
Tifari's Augustus McCrae (character from Lonesome Dove)

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Day 3 of Vet Visits

Today Brown, Purple, and Yellow went into the vet for their shots and microchip.  The vet says all hearts sound Great and pups are confident and handled their microchips like pro's. 

Purple (Tater Tot) weighed 10#
Yellow weighed
Brown weighed 15.1

I also brought in Blue and Orange to go to their new  home.  I think I made a misprint and Blue was 15 yesterday... not the 14 I had said.  Today he was 15.4  so still the biggest pup.  I hope the pups have a Great first night with their new families.  I miss them. 


Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Day 2 of Vet visits

Today I took in Orange, Red, and Blue for their visits. Clean bills of health for them all as well. no wimpy puppies in the bunch.  :-)  Orange chewed the Dr's stethoscope.

Orange is 12.5 lbs
Red is 12.5 lbs
Blue is 14#  (he is the biggest so far of the litter)

I try to regulate their food so they are all close to the same size, but some pups just eat much faster than others.  can hardly believe they are leaving in a day or 2...

Monday, December 3, 2012

Vet Visit

Pups are due for their shots, exams, and microchips this week, before they venture to their new homes *sniff sniff*  I am doing 3 at a time, rather than 9 at once.  Today Pink, Teal, and Green all came with me.  All have a clean bill of health.  no heart murmors or strange things found.  :-) They were brave pups, and very confident in the clinic and the car ride.... I am attaching a photo of them with my vet--Dr. Morris
Green weighed 14 lbs
Pink weighed 13 lbs
Teal weighed 12 lbs.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

More 7 weeks

Purple Girl 7 weeks

Blue boy chewing on a stick

Brown Boy 7 weeks

Look at Those Wrinkles!

Green Boy 7 weeks

7 weeks

Yellow girl cuddling with me

Brown Boy eating the camera strap

Orange Girl Says hi!

Orange Girl and Green Boy

Pink in investigating!

Teal boy and I

Teal Boy

Yellow girl in leaves

Friday, November 30, 2012

Photo Shoot

haha, they are so active now.  They play for like 2 hours then sleep for an hour...repeat repeat.  I can't help but take a bunch of pictures!  Here are a few of the best from their Christmas photo shoot!  7 weeks old yesterday.  Tater Tot is 8.5 lbs.  Orange is 11 lbs.

Teal Boy

Pink Girl

Group shot on their 7 week birthday!

Tater Tot in Antlers

Tater Tot (Purple) 

Yellow Girl in Antlers