Sunday, September 30, 2012

This weekend I set up my guestroom into the whelping den.  Here is the Pile 'O Fleeces, sheets, towels, dogbeds, ect.  Needed for the puppies, and inside the whelping box.  I change the bedding 2 x a day so I go through a lot of stuff!

Here is Piper in her whelping Box.  It was custom built by my husband for my first litter in 2008.  He made it of melamine board and sealed so I can wipe down the sides for easy cleaning/disinfecting.  and there is a door that fits in the front for when the pups get larger.  We leave it out for now to accommodate Piper's droopy mammary glands.  You can see the PVC rails around the inside of the box, they are called "pig rails" The purpose of them is to prevent a pup from being smashed between the mom and the side of the box.  We remove them when the pups get about 2.5 weeks old. 

Here is a more top view of Piper.  She is getting so wide.  I have been trying to get her to lay in the box as often as possible and have cushy bed in there right now.  She will not sleep in it yet.  she wants to be in the bed with me, but I keep trying :-)

1 comment:

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