Tuesday, October 9, 2012

7.5 week update

Piper is at 18 # weight gain.  She is getting up 2-3 times every night to pee!  Poor girl.  She digging and poking her nose everywhere in my yard, looking for a den I think.  we are watching her like a hawk and go outside with her every time.  (even 2 am)

Puppies are moving around in there all the time.  I can see her abdomen moving and when laying my hand on her side a puppy will punch or kick me every few minutes.  It is fascinating, but a bit "alien-esque" too :-)

Whelping supplies are all set.  We also got her some vanilla ice cream for a little energy snack during the whelping.  I am now taking her temperature 3 times a day.  One of the early signs  labor   will start (within 12 hours) is a drop in temperature.

Labor has 3 stages, Stage one lasts the longest and is Panting/ pacing/digging. It can last 8-24 hours.  The second stage is the actual pushing. This goes quick and a puppy usually presents itself every hour or 2.   And the final stage is when pushing is done and there are a few minor contractions to help pass any placentas that might not have come out. 

1 comment:

  1. The waiting must be so tough! I can't wait to meet the puppies!
