Puppies continue to do great. New visitors all the time.
On Sunday we got out the play tent and tunnel (for kids) and put them into the living room, the pups had fun exploring. They loved the dual-layer dog bed more :-) I will try to get those pictures posted.
Pups also have been getting mini-carrots as snacks. They enjoy the crunchy texture and it makes for a good snack before bedtime as I got rid of the 4th meal they were eating. They now eat 3x a day. We also offered them a bit of fresh snap peas and cauliflower. Carrots are the favorite by far .
I gave them their first deworming on Thanksgiving. They do not have worms, but it is standard practice, plus they do eat things the little bit they go outside. They have also met the neighbor dogs through the fence.
How bout a couple more clear shots of Miss Orange?